Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Work In Progess Wednesday #2

Is it really Wednesday again already???  Wow!  The past week sure has gone by fast!  Well if it really IS Wednesday again, it's time again to link up to Work In Progress Wednesday over at Freshly Pieced.

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

Sadly, I don't really have much to report on :-(  BUT here are a few things I'll mention.

You can check out my new thread holder post HERE.  It's all done and being used, just waiting to find a permanent place for it.

Dylan helped me get started on my pallet planter that I will be using to grow some herbs in.  Here's what it looks like right now.  I have some other decorative touches to make before planting my herbs.  The camera lens fogged up when I walked outside to take this picture but it actually makes it look neat.

I have a handful of sewing projects that I need to get working now!!  I like to take advantage of the nice weather and get outside when I can, but I really need to get moving on these other projects.  And Dylan is helping me with another project that I can not reveal anything about until it is finished!  Wow, I have a lot to do!

Here's what all I have going on...

In Progress:
  • Pallet Planter
  • Cow Print Fabric Project
  • Girl Baby Blanket
  • Boy Baby Blanket
  • Red & Blue/Green Fabrics
  • Mystery Project


  1. Love your thread holder. Mine would be attached to the dinning room wall, I don't think my hubby would appreciate that to much. :)

    1. Thank you Amy! Mine will be going somewhere on the living room wall (we have a large open living room/kitchen/dining room area) but it's just a matter of where at this point.


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