Wednesday, August 15, 2012

WIP Wednesday-12

Well I haven't managed to get much done the past two weeks but I do have a little bit to show :-)

I got the inner and outer borders put on the Quilts for Kids quilt.

I was just getting ready to trim the outer border when I noticed something wasn't right....

ughhhh I just pinned the piece and sewed it...didn't even bother to see if it was facing the right way!  Crap!  I'll be giving my little seam ripper a workout tonight!
I've also been doing a little bit of crocheting and making these little cute scrubbies.  I think they will be a great little addition to Christmas and Birthday presents so I plan on making a TON of these.

That's all I've been up to.  Now that the Olympics are over I can get back to my sewing :-)  I'm making a trip to JoAnn's during my lunch break today to pick up more yarn and some microfleece to start working on the cloth diapers.

I should start trying to find that Green Bay Packers fabric again.  Seems like everytime I tried to find it this spring and summer is was out of stock (maybe because it wasn't football season???)

Anywho! Here's the round up:

  • 14 crochet scrubbies

In Progress:
  • Quilts for Kids Quilt
  • Another Green Bay  Faux Chenille Blanket
  • Cow Fabric Project (half remains!)
  • Test out my new KAM Snap Plier set! (still haven't done this yet, pathetic, I know!)
  • Cloth Diapers
  • More scrubbies!

Linking up to Work In Progress Wednesday over at Freshly Pieced.  This weeks guest host is Cindy from Live A Colorful Life.
WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

1 comment:

  1. Love the scrubbies! Where can I find the pattern?


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