Monday, November 5, 2012

Halloween Reveal

So about two weeks ago I posted a few teaser pics of what I was doing for my Halloween costume...

Well now that Halloween is over and all my parties/whatever are done, here is my reveal!




I was Flo the Progressive Girl!!  I made the apron, the name tag, the I <3 Insurance button and the headband (which is hard to see because my hair is so dark and I couldn't get my hair to *poof* like Flo does).  I went to Salvation Army and got the white polo shirt and a pair of white jeans for $6.  So my costume cost less than $15 this year!  I love when I can make a costume for cheap!  And better yet, I won a $10 giftcard for Best Overall Costume at my work's costume contest!

Here are a few other candid pics from the Halloween party I went to...
This one makes me laugh at myself!

Flo is a pro at Soda Flip-Cup

Hope everyone had a Happy Halloween!

**Photo credits to my MOM!

1 comment:

  1. Love the costume Flo is one of my favorite characters. My husband thinks I am crazy for liking her.


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