Wednesday, November 7, 2012

WIP Wednesday #22 & 100 Day Hustle Update

Well I'm back for WIP Wednesday this week and the halfway mark of the 100 Day Hustle.  Last week we didn't have power for about 2 days (because of Hurricane Sandy) so I just figured I'd save the update for this week :-)  Sorry in advance for the awful pictures, Dylan is on "vacation" this week (aka hunting all day, everyday) and he confiscated the good camera, so I had to take these pictures with my phone (yuck!).

So far no finishes but I have some progress which is better than nothing :-)

I finally cut into my Joy charm squares and made some HSTs which I plan on making into several mug rugs.

I'm still working on the crochet ripple blanket.....chugging away.......slowly.....but surely!

I FINALLLLLLLY finished piecing the Quilts for Kids quilt and got it all ready for quilting.  Just trying to decide what color thread to use for the quilting.  Oh and Bella says HI!

And that's what I've been working on.  Here's the 100 Day Hustle progress report :-)

100 Day Hustle To-Do List:

  • Finish Quilt For Kids Quilt (ready for quilting!)
  • Green Bay Faux Chenille Blanket (for a friend) (got the GB fabric!)
  • Steelers Faux Chenille Blanket (no progress)
  • Mystery Faux Chenille Blanket (fabric chosen)
  • Mystery Faux Chenille Blanket (no progress)
  • Zig-Zag Quilt (no progress)
  • Bib Prototypes (still trying to find a good size/template)
  • Cloth Diapers (no progress)
  • Lots of Mug Rugs (HSTs made, ready to get pieced together)
  • Pink/Brown Crochet Lap Blanket (still in progress)

Linking up at Freshly Pieced and Kelsey Sews!

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

Kelsey Sews

Monday, November 5, 2012

Halloween Reveal

So about two weeks ago I posted a few teaser pics of what I was doing for my Halloween costume...

Well now that Halloween is over and all my parties/whatever are done, here is my reveal!




I was Flo the Progressive Girl!!  I made the apron, the name tag, the I <3 Insurance button and the headband (which is hard to see because my hair is so dark and I couldn't get my hair to *poof* like Flo does).  I went to Salvation Army and got the white polo shirt and a pair of white jeans for $6.  So my costume cost less than $15 this year!  I love when I can make a costume for cheap!  And better yet, I won a $10 giftcard for Best Overall Costume at my work's costume contest!

Here are a few other candid pics from the Halloween party I went to...
This one makes me laugh at myself!

Flo is a pro at Soda Flip-Cup

Hope everyone had a Happy Halloween!

**Photo credits to my MOM!