Wednesday, September 5, 2012

WIP Wednesday #15--"Vacation" Edition

So technically, Dylan and I are on vacation this week.  We decided we didn't want to go anywhere this year but figured we should still take a week off together.  That being said I'm not getting much done but so far we are having a good time.  

Yesterday we had a pretty simple day...lunch at Olive Garden and some shopping.  Then we came home and decided to put our canning skills (or lack thereof because I have NEVER done any canning before...ever!) to the test and can some pickled jalapenos.  We had 3 jalapeno plants come up in our garden and it took them a while to do anything, but now they are producing so much it's hard to keep up with.  We had enough that we froze after picking and some fresh (as in 26 peppers that were picked in two days) to do a small batch of pint jars (6 to be exact).

We were a bit nervous during the process and we even high-fived a few times when we heard the "pings" of the lids sealing.  I'm happy to report that all 6 of our jars sealed and will now sit for the recommended 3-4 weeks in the pantry to maximize the flavor.  If they turn out good, I'm predicting Dylan will have them all eaten within 2-3 months!

Today we took a day trip to Ricketts Glen to hike the trails and see the waterfalls.  We had a great time and we took A LOT of pictures so I'll do another post later in the week with some of our pictures.

We got home from our day trip in the early evening so I was able to get my fabric cut for the Shades of Grey Charm Swap.

Just have to get it to the post office and send it off!

Tomorrow we are going canoeing/fishing.  Here's to hoping we catch some good fish!


  • Shades of Gray Charm Swap--charms cut and ready to send!

In Progress:

  • Quilts for Kids Quilt
  • Another Green Bay  Faux Chenille Blanket
  • Cow Fabric Project (half remains!)
  • Test out my new KAM Snap Plier set! (still haven't done this yet, pathetic, I know!)
  • Cloth Diapers
  • More scrubbies!

Linking up to Work In Progress Wednesday over at Freshly Pieced, with this weeks guest host Emily of Mommy's Nap Time.

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

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